Ack.tmbundle: a faster "Find in Project" for TextMate

Posted by trevor Tue, 03 Jun 2008 19:19:39 GMT

Recently one of my ENTP colleagues switched me on to ack as an excellent replacement for find+grep. Being a dyed in the wool TextMate user, the first thing that popped into my head was “I need an ‘Ack in Project’ TextMate plugin”.

Unfortunately the only advertised plugin I could find was 404’ing on me. Did I do the simple thing and notify the author about the dead link? Nope. I wrote my own plugin instead.

In hindsight I have to ask… what on earth was I thinking?

Whatever. I wrote the plugin and (if I do say so myself) it’s pretty damn good.

Here’s some installation instructions for getting it from my github repository:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
git clone git:// Ack.tmbundle

I’ve also thrown together a little (silent and slightly crappy) screencast showing it in action.



I’ve updated the wiki to include some information on getting ack to recognize new file types using Henrik’s haml comment as an example.


Giant Robots Giving Me Flashbacks.

Posted by trevor Mon, 07 Jan 2008 23:00:12 GMT

This morning I checked my feed reader and was instantly transported back to 1992, when I was working for a small independent software vendor.

So please indulge me while I tell you a little bit about the company, what I learned, and what brought it all rushing back.


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