Posted by trevor
Wed, 24 May 2006 22:31:58 GMT
This is a followup of part 1 which you should read before continuing here.
So… are the requirements satisfied? No.
It’s possible for any user to delete a project that they don’t actually own. More specifically, it’s possible for a user to arbitrarily assume ownership of any project they know the id of. After that, the project is theirs to do with as they choose.
The code that allows you to assume project ownership is here:
class UserController < ApplicationController
def save
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_protected :is_administrator
has_many :projects
Spotted it yet?
Posted in code | 9 comments
Posted by trevor
Wed, 24 May 2006 03:10:00 GMT
Tonight I decided to tip over my blog-post idea pickle jar and see if anything interesting fell out. This is the first one that didn’t get crumpled up and thrown in the trash (gotta love that pickle jar).
Instead of just blathering on I’d like to show you a few lines of code and invite you to answer a pop quiz:
class UserController < ApplicationController
def save
class ProjectController < ApplicationController
def destroy
@project = Project.find(params[:id])
if ( @project.user_id == ||
current_user.is_administrator? )
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_protected :is_administrator
has_many :projects
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
Before anyone gets too bent out of shape – don’t worry about the stuff you don’t see. Everything you need is there.
Here’s the requirements we’ve been given:
- Users should not be able to grant themselves administrative capability
- Only administrators or the project’s owner can delete a project
And here’s the pop quiz: are those requirements satisfied? Why or why not?
Bonus points (for what they’re worth) will be given if you can tell me what I’m going to make “a strong case for” in the title of this post.
I’ll post my answers tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:00 PM GMT.
[Edit] someone asked so I’ll clarify: the current_user method in the controllers always returns the correct user.
[Edit] another clarification: we can assume that actions not shown in ProjectController such as edit/save perform the same checks as ProjectController#destroy before doing anything.
[Edit] Part 2 is available now.
Posted in code | 11 comments
Posted by trevor
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 05:59:40 GMT
Note: there’s cussing in this post – you’ve been warned. And yes, I have shamelessly lifted from Daring Fireball.
1 comment
Posted by trevor
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 19:24:00 GMT
I’m not sure how much I buy into the whole Pandora Music Genome Project thing.
Still, this morning I gave it a try and I have to say, it’s uncannily accurate at figuring out my tastes – it’s been quite a few songs since I had to click “I don’t like it”.
What’s even better is that apart from my starting point (Iron and Wine by the way) all but one of the tracks played were from acts I’d never heard before.
And whether I buy into it or not, it’s pretty interesting to click “Why did you play this song?”
Based on what you’ve told us so far, we’re playing this track because if features mellow rock instrumentation, a subtle use of vocal harmony, mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation, a vocal aesthetic and a minor key tonality.
Seriously? Not because 734 other people who bought ‘Woman King’ also bought this album? Go figure.
Posted by trevor
Wed, 08 Mar 2006 23:02:36 GMT
Over the past few days I’ve been tweaking the mechanics of how I work. One thing that’s been bugging me is they way I have to slouch over the keyboard of my PowerBook to get a good look at the screen.
So today I picked up a Griffin iCurve stand and an Apple Bluetooth keyboard.

While I’m not a fan of the keyboard (I prefer the one on the PowerBook – this one has too much travel), I really enjoy having my screen raised closer to eye-level. Plus it makes it easier to glance out the window and watch the antics of this year’s herring run.
Posted by trevor
Fri, 03 Mar 2006 12:10:05 GMT
I’ve been in a tremendous rut. Not the one or two day glitch affair that happens from time to time but an honest to goodness, slow… grind… to… a… complete… stop.
Along the way I discovered that there’s no heroic effort that can save you from an epic rut, no massive push or flash of brilliance that will get you back into a state of flow, nothing that will somehow erase all the hours burned while staring blankly at the screen.
To get out of a genuine rut you need to do something much smaller and very specific.
Start at The End
A runner visualizes crossing the finish line, a climber visualizes grabbing a hold. Nothing earth-shattering here: you concentrate on the end goal and work backwards, mapping out how to get there.
Just make sure you really know what “the end” really is.
As a software developer, I thought “the end” was code and this is partly what kept me in my rut. “Just write some code, dammit!” I was wrong, of course, because while in my rut I wrote quite a lot of code. It’s just that all of it was crap so I deleted it as fast as I wrote it. Okay, maybe not all of it was crap – when you’re in a rut everything sucks regardless of whether it really does suck.
It wasn’t until a few hours ago that it occurred to me that whatever I’m working on is never considered finished until it’s been checked-in to source control. My “the end” is svn commit -m
and being able to type that command makes all the difference.
Practice getting to The End
Once you know what “the end” is, you need to practice getting there over and over to remind yourself what it feels like. You need a series of tiny victories to rebuild your confidence and prove to yourself that you’re not a complete waste of skin.
Tonight I chose three minor issues with our code to fix. All of them were a simple search-and-replace so they didn’t require much thinking at all. Putting effort into something so trivial seems kind of pointless, especially when you consider how far behind I am on the task that was stuck with me.
But I got to type svn commit -m
three times and it felt great.
So, for me at least, today’s catchy buzzphrase is(with a tip of the hat to Glengarry Glen Ross):
Always Be Committing
I’m out of this rut – I can just tell.
Posted in code
Posted by trevor
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:51:52 GMT
If you’ve ever worked on a large rails project, that one /app/models
directory can start to look a bit daunting filled with a ton of files. In my opinion it contributes to a fear of adding classes.
A recent changeset adds better support for auto-loading of classes within modules. It also adds support for marking classes as Reloadable even if they don’t inherit from Rails core classes like ActiveRecord::Base.
This is seriously good news because it makes organizing your classes that much easier, encouraging you to simplify your architecture by (paradoxically) adding classes.
Posted in code
Posted by trevor
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 05:01:00 GMT
FCGI hates me. It’s been hating me for quite a few days now. I finally took then hint, installed scgi_rails and everything works great.
Well, it’s not quite that simple. One issue I (and others, it would seem) had with Apache mod_scgi is that if you SCGIMount to ’/’ then you don’t get page caching – something that makes Typo hum along rather nicely.
A quick hack or two later and I have an easy-to-use plugin that makes page-caching possible with scgi.
The subversion repository for the plugin is here:
Everything you need to know is in the README file. If you’re going to use it with Typo you’ll need to pay special attention to the last section of the README file.
I should point out that the page cache issue only seemed to affect me with Apache 2. Now I’m starting to wonder if there’s a bug in the Apache 2 mod_scgi.
Posted in code
Posted by trevor
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 18:59:00 GMT
Last week Jamis responded to my post about plugin naming conventions.
If any of the rest of this post is going to make sense you’d better check out the above links first.
Anyhow, there’s been a bit more mailing-list to-ing and fro-ing about the fact that Jamis’ suggestion has problems, which I’ll write about today.
When is this an issue?
This is something that we should get out of the way here and now.
If your plugin is just mixing-in methods for a DSL (excellent link, by the way) like a new ActiveRecord ‘Acts’ – or you have some other situation where you only have have a couple of files to ‘require’, it’s a lot simpler and clearer to just require
those files explicitly in your init.rb
. For example:
My init.rb
file will look like this:
require 'proto_cool/enumerations/acts_enumerated'
require 'proto_cool/enumerations/has_enumerated'
require 'proto_cool/enumerations/virtual_enumerations'
ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
include ProtoCool::Enumerations::ActsEnumerated
include ProtoCool::Enumerations::HasEnumerated
Complex Hierarchies
But what if your plugin has a lot of files to require? You may be tempted to organize your require
s as Jamis suggested in his email. After all, it looks a lot like how rails organizes its own require
calls. A stripped down example of a complex hierarchy might be:
would contain:
require 'jamis/buck'
and lib/jamis/buck.rb
would contain:
require 'jamis/buck/my_module'
require 'jamis/buck/my_other_module'
The idea is that you could simply refer to Jamis::Buck::MyModule
or Jamis::Buck::MyOtherModule
without having to do any explicit require
calls in the code that first references those modules. Rails will automagically “require 'jamis'
” the first time you reference the Jamis
The problem with this approach is that once “require 'jamis'
” has been called, all subsequent calls will have no effect, even if there are many jamis.rb
files in the $LOAD_PATH
. If Jamis releases another plugin that relies on automagic require
s his full set of classes won’t be loaded.
There are a number of strategies you can use to work around this. First of all, you can just use explicit requires in your init.rb
file. You can still use Jamis’ method for everything in your module namespace that is unique to the current plugin though. Using the above example you’d just get rid of jamis.rb
and in your init.rb
file you’d have a single “require 'jamis/buck'
Another strategy would be to use load
instead of require
for all files that you (as a plugin author) know will appear in many places in the $LOAD_PATH
. You could keep your jamis.rb
file but in your init.rb
you would simply say “load 'jamis.rb'
Pie in the Sky
There’s something slightly non-intuitive about the above strategies though. I had one of those “wouldn’t it be nice if…” moments and knocked together some code that allows this:
module Jamis
include Dependencies::AutoRequire
auto_require 'buck'
module Jamis::Buck
include Dependencies::AutoRequire
auto_require 'my_module'
auto_require 'my_other_module'
load 'jamis.rb'
There’s a couple of ‘nice’ features here. First of all, if you auto_require
something, it will use the module name to construct the full require
call. So “Jamis::Buck.auto_require 'my_module'
” will result in a “require 'jamis/buck/my_module'
” call.
Second, if you “auto_require 'buck'
” and there is both a buck
directory and a buck.rb
file the require
will be treated differently. The resulting require
call guarantees your particular buck.rb
file is loaded even if there is another buck.rb
file in the $LOAD_PATH
that has already had “require 'jamis/buck'
” called against it.
You may be wondering why I didn’t just add the auto_require method to the Module
class. I could have, but it makes me feel dirty.
The funny thing is, in order for this to be useful to me, I’ll either have to ship and… um… require
a file that contains Dependencies::AutoRequire
with each of my plugins – or I’ll have to convince the rails core team that Dependencies::AutoRequire
would be beneficial to more than just me. Well, I think it’s funny…
Posted in code
Posted by trevor
Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:33:00 GMT
First of all, if plugins are new to you then you should definitely look at Jamis Buck’s guide to plugins before going any further.
Okay, so by now you know everything about plugins right?
So, I had one of those ‘uh-oh’ moments last night.
The Issue
I was worried that putting my acts_as_enumerated
into ActiveRecord::Acts::Enumerated
was a bad idea. I emailed Jamis and asked if plugin authors should avoid any rails module namespaces and he said:
That’s a really interesting question. I think I would answer “Yes”, but I’m not sure why. :)
It feels more natural to me if people follow a naming convention similar to how things are done in Javaland, where modules are namespaced by their vendor. So:
or something :)
He went on to point out that right now there are no guidelines or best practices.
Considering the number of plugins that have already been written it’s probably a good idea to start thinking about this now.
The Opinion
So here’s my opinion, presented in a way that I hope everyone from newbies (like me), to seasoned pros can understand. I’d appreciate feedback from others on this.
A plugin author has two namespaces to be concerned about:
The two namespaces kind-of overlap, but they don’t have to. I have a file called /lib/active_record/virtual_enumerations.rb
that defines a ActiveRecord::VirtualEnumerations
module and re-opens the ruby Module
class. The name of the file doesn’t have to dictate its contents.
But the name of the file plays a role in being able to load your code in the first place – via the require
keyword. If there are two plugins that have a /lib/chunky_bacon.rb
file then require 'chunky_bacon'
will load the first one found in $LOAD_PATH
Now, as long as your init.rb
does a require
of all necessary files during initialization this won’t be an issue because during init your plugin’s /lib directory is the first one in $LOAD_PATH
However, it may become an issue if you, or any other package that happens to require 'chunky_bacon'
, decide to defer require
calls until a later time.
Even though for most people the $LOAD_PATH
won’t be an issue, I believe plugin authors should be encouraged to use a directory structure, unique to themselves, within their /lib directory. Using someone else’s plugin for an example:
Not only does it solve potential $LOAD_PATH
problems but it also serves as a reminder that you really ought to make your Module namespaces unique as well (as Jamis said above).
Posted in code